As one of the most popular and beloved games in the world, League of Legends has a wide range of players who specialize in different roles and positions. Among those roles, the support position can play a critical role in determining the outcome of team fights and the success of the team. In Season 4 of League of Legends, a new set of support masteries emerged and quickly rose to the top. In this article, we will explore the best mastery setups for support players in the fourth season of League of Legends.
The Importance of Support Mastery
In League of Legends, being a support player can be both thrilling and challenging. A support player's primary responsibility is to provide utility for their team and ensure their carries are kept safe. The effectiveness of a support player can often determine the outcome of the game. To be a successful support player in Season 4, it is crucial to master the right mastery setup.
Analysis of Best Support Masteries in Season 4
There are two key mastery setups for support players in Season 4. These mastery setups are focused on utility and defensive advantages.
Utility Mastery Setup:
The utility mastery setup focuses on providing utility to the team. It is mainly focused on enhancing the support player's abilities to heal, shield, and boost their team's damage output. It can also provide some additional gold generation to the support player.
Some of the best utility masteries for support players in Season 4 are:
Summoner's Insight – reduces the cooldown of helpful spells like Flash or Heal.
Mediation – restores mana over time.
Improved Recall – improves the recall time for the support player.
Arcane Mastery – increases the maximum mana pool.
Greed – provides additional gold for the support player.
Runic Affinity – extends the duration of buffs.
Defensive Mastery Setup:
The defensive mastery setup primarily focuses on providing additional defensive stats to the support player. These stats include armor, magic resistance, and health.
Some of the best defensive masteries for support players in Season 4 are:
Block – reduces the damage taken from basic attacks.
Tough Skin – reduces the damage taken from minion attacks.
Unyielding – increases the armor and magic resistance of the support player.
Veteran's Scars – increases the maximum health pool of the support player.
Legendary Guardian – additional armor and magic resistance for each nearby enemy champion.
Tenacious – reduces the duration of crowd control effects.
The Best Support Masteries in Season 4
The best support masteries in Season 4 depend on the composition of the team and the playstyle of the individual player. However, most professional support players opt for a mix of both utility and defensive setups. Here are some of the best mastery setups for support players in Season 4:
Thresh Mastery Build:
Thresh is one of the most popular support picks in Season 4 of League of Legends. The most effective mastery build for Thresh is a mix of both utility and defensive masteries.
Here are some of the best mastery picks for Thresh:
Summoner's Insight
Improved Recall
Arcane Mastery
Runic Affinity
Veteran's Scars
Legendary Guardian
Sona Mastery Build:
Sona is known for her abilities to heal multiple allies and deal significant damage to enemies. The most effective mastery build for Sona is a utility-heavy setup.
Here are some of the best mastery picks for Sona:
Summoner's Insight
Expanded Mind
Arcane Mastery
Runic Affinity
Veteran's Scars
In Season 4 of League of Legends, mastering the right set of support masteries is critical to win games. The best mastery setups depend on the team's composition and the support player's playstyle. In this article, we have provided a comprehensive guide on the best mastery setups for support players in Season 4. By implementing these masteries into your playstyle, you will be one step closer to becoming a successful support player in League of Legends.